The first meeting
of the Nanaimo Quilters' Guild was held on Thursday, Oct. 4,
1984 in the Pottery Room of Bowen Park Complex, Nanaimo B. C.
at 7:30 p.m. There were 30 quilters in attendance. Cathy Johnson
acted as Chairperson.
The first executive members elected that evening were:
President - Gail Wylie
Secretary- Lauris Fuller
Treasurer- Donna Beckley
Typist - Audrey Curtis
Support People - Rita Pottinger, Pat Garner
and Tricia Abbott
Newsletter helper - Tricia Abbott
Guild Historian - Helen Brown
Previous to this meeting, Cathy Johnson, with the help of her
students, organized a Social afternoon of quilts at Bowen Park.
During the afternoon, people were asked to write down their
names and telephone numbers if they were interested in forming
a Quilters Guild in Nanaimo.At
the October meeting, Leanne Aitken from the City of Nanaimo,
Parks and Recreation informed them that they had $70 (profits
from the Social) in their kitty and that Parks and Recreation
would give the guild the use of a meeting room, free of charge
for 3 months.
The first meeting of the Nanaimo Quilters' Guild was held on
Thursday, Oct. 4, 1984 in the Pottery Room of Bowen Park
Complex. As the Guild grew we continued to move to larger
premises. On January 24, 1985, we moved to the Nanaimo Regional
Library on Fitzwilliam Street. On November 2, 1988, a special
meeting was held to establish a set of By-laws under which the
Guild would operate. Then another move to the Community Services
building. And with more growth we moved to Brechin United
Church. In September 2013 the Guild moved to the Nanaimo Curling
Club where we presently meet.